Before you begin
Please note that this application does not have to be completed in one sitting and each step can be completed separately. Fear not! Take some time to complete the “Getting Ready to Apply” checklist before moving forward to complete each of the application steps. If you have already completed the checklist, the remainder of the application will be much smoother! If you are under 18 years of age, it is important that your parent also carefully reads through any documents provided. The completion of the application indicates that you have gained their permission to participate. If you want to check out the program before applying, plan to attend one of our upcoming trainings so you can see what we're all about.
Getting Ready to Apply
- Watch the REQUIRED “Protecting Today’s Child presentation” and read our “Child Protection Policy” before beginning.
- Review our “Statement of Faith”
- Be ready to provide:
- Valid email addresses for the student and parent.
- Parent contact information including cell phone numbers.
- A church or youth pastor’s name and email address who is willing to complete an online reference on your behalf.
- Name, email address, and phone number of two non-related adults who are willing to complete an online reference on your behalf.
- At least one full paragraph describing your Christian experience including each of the following:
- your testimony (how you became a Christian) and approximate date of your conversion
- Scriptural references for the basis of your salvation
- your spiritual growth - your practices of prayer, Bible study, and church attendance
- how you serve in your church or community
- your convictions regarding alcohol, tobacco, and drugs
- your convictions regarding sexuality and gender identity
- your purpose for applying for Summer Missions.
- Take some time to think about the above topics and jot down your responses in a word document. When you complete the application, simply copy and paste the relevent reponses to the corresponding sections.
- Your t-shirt size (in adult unisex sizes)
- Be aware that when you complete this application you agree to abide by the following as a summer missionary with CEF Sandhills:
- As prayer is vital to your success at training camp and for effectively reaching children this summer, please ask three trusted adults, mentors, or family members to pray for you this summer as you serve.
- Follow the steps below in order (set aside at least 30 minutes to complete the online application in step 4)
Application Steps
- Medical Liability and Release Form
This form will need to be completed in the presence of a parent/guardian. Please make sure that the entire form is printed on one sheet of paper with the two pages back to front. This form allows our staff to help your student in case they require immediate medical attention.
- Parental Activity Permission Form
This form will need to be completed in the presence of a parent/guardian. This form must be signed by your parent/guardian and gives you permission to participate in any events related to CYIA. This form is not required for an individual over 18 years of age.
- Sign the Ministry Compliance Agreement
This form must be completed annually by all students. Before signing the form, please be sure to have read the statement of faith, reviewed our chapter CYIA policies, and watched the Protecting Today’s Child presentation.
- Application
This step of the application can be completed online and will use the information you compiled above. It will also ask you to certify that you have completed the two forms above so take some time to print and fill out those forms first. You will be asked to provide your reference information in this form so be sure to have already chosen three references and asked them to complete an online form on your behalf. Once we receive your application, we will email your listed references a link to access the online reference form. Furthermore, this application requires you to certify that you have watched the corresponding Protecting Today’s Child presentation, read the statement of faith, and are willing to comply with the policies listed in the “Getting Ready to Apply” steps. If you have any questions about the process, feel free to call our CYIA Coordinator Rita Hall (910-890-2828).
Apply Now
- Get Ready for Training!
Congratulations your application process is complete, and we look forward to seeing you at our upcoming training sessions! Be sure to bring any signed forms with you to your first training session. You are now ready for “Phase 2”